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Average Rating 4.3 out of 5
Bright blooms

Skinny, bright red-orange blooms. Good at producing offshoots. My plant is still in a 2"pot and putting up several new stems!
Won me over

I got this as a freebie and I've never liked the color orange . I pinched most of my kohleria back and this one sent up the most new shoots the fastest ! I have to admit right now this is my favorite kohleria . Even with the neon pumpkin colored flowers this one will one day have its wining me over by trying so hard . I always look for the plants Robs violet barn points out as easy growers , you can trust Robs advice . I need to stick to the easier stuff for now .

I love this plant, I have had it for a year or two now and it never fails to amaze me the flowers just keep on popping out and if have started babies to give to friends....A definite winner.
Beautiful color

Very nice addition to the pink and red kohleria I have. Lots of blooms.