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HCY's Jardin De Monet

Beautiful plant!  Heavy reddish-purple speckling on white face.  Very heavy bloomer.  (Huang) 


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HCY's Jardin De Monet

Average Rating 4.8 out of 5

Absolute Perfection!

I have been growing Kohleria for a few years, and Jardin De Monet was the first Kohleria I purchased from The Violet Barn. It has never disappointed me. The blooms are spectacular, and the plant just wants to keep on blooming. It has had as many as 80+ blossoms at once (until my dog ate many of them!). I love my collection, but none of the other plants come close to this one in large growth habit and number of blossoms /plant, and it reproduces itself easily with cuttings and rhizomes. Everyone who sees it falls in love with it as much as I have.

DeLane Isaak Oct 14 2019, 11:19 AM

Very Hopeful

I opted to order via priority mail after the Nov. 15th deadline for guaranteed shipping. Plant was very tenderly packaged, and so far I am hopeful that it will be a beauty.

Margaret Skoog Nov 25 2015, 11:39 AM

Easy grower & bloomer

I purchased several kohleria rhizomes a couple years ago. HCY's Jardin de Monet has been the best grower & bloomer of them all. The rhizomes have proliferated to fill successive pots and the tip cuttings have produced many plantlets for me to share. The blooms stay on quite awhile as well.

Jamie Jul 08 2013, 21:17 PM

Easy grower & bloomer

I purchased several kohleria rhizomes a couple years ago. HCY's Jardin de Monet has been the best grower & bloomer of them all. The rhizomes have proliferated to fill successive pots and the tip cuttings have produced many plantlets for me to share. The blooms stay on quite awhile as well.

Jamie Jul 08 2013, 21:16 PM

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