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Average Rating 4.9 out of 5
Foolproof and wonderful!

You really, truly, cannot kill this plant! No plant should have to withstand the kind of abuse mine went through when I got it, but this survived all even though it should have been dead years ago. It's getting good care now, and the blooms are absolutely lovely! Their fragrance fills a whole room. I discovered the first blooms by the fragrance - walked into the room and wondered what that lovely scent was, and where from. Imagine my delight when I discovered my hoya blooming! This plant sold me on hoyas forever. Now I have three different varieties... love them all... but this is hardiest and endearing.
Quick Grower

I have this hoya, that I have been wicking for the past month, it is growing so quickly, won't be long before I have flowers. The Violet Barn has some really interesting plants. I love being introduced to all that they offer.