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Average Rating 5 out of 5
Cutest plant I ever had

Arrived very healthy, like all the others, and keeps growing since. The leaves are so cute, it's the princess of all Hoyas!
Spectacular specimen of evolutionary biology at it's most bizarre and beautiful!

These plants are wonderful to grow and a pleasure to grow. So easy and gorgeous!
One of my favorite Hoyas

I love Hoyas with round leaves. I ordered a serpens from the Violet Barn and love it so much I am ordering a second one. It has the tiniest round leaves of all my Hoyas.
So Cute!

I ordered a serpens from the Violet Barn in September of 2017. I have a large collection of hoyas, but this is one of my favorites! I love the tiny fuzzy leaves. It now has a peduncle on it. I can't wait until it blooms.
love this plant

Not fussy -- it just keeps growing and growing. A small branch broke off, and I stuck the end in a tiny pot of soil and now I have a small 2nd one... EASY