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Average Rating 4.9 out of 5
Tiny marbled valentines!

I have only been growing this one for a few months, so I can not comment on flowering, but the plant has been putting out new growth consistently and is an easy keeper for me so far! Definitely worth growing this one for the lovely leaves.
Hoya curtisii

This is an awesome little hoya. Has such unique leaves.
A favorite

This is one of the first hoyas I bought and it’s still one of my favorites. It’s grows so quickly and well for me. Mines not old or big enough to bloom yet, but I don’t even mind. The leaves are so small, cute, and the variegation is really intricate.
What's not to like

Beautiful hoya with mottled leaves. Rather slow grower but well worth the patience!
My favorite Hoya, one of my fav plants

I absolutely love this little plant. I’ve had mine for about a year and it’s grown so much. Mine isn’t quite old or big enough to bloom yet, but I don’t even care! I love it for the adorable little green and white/silver specked leaves. Out of the around 300 plants I own, this is truly one of my favs.