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HCY's Honey

Taiwanese hybrid with large, watermelon-pink blooms with red spotting and yellow throat.  (Huang)  For image, view: http://tiyuantiyuan.pixnet.net/album/photo/649446719-kohleria-%27hcy%27s-honey%27hcy%E7%9A%84%E8%9C%9C%E7%B3%96%E5%85%92-%282%29


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HCY's Honey

Average Rating 4 out of 5

Lovely gift!

I received my first kohleria as a gift. It is a joy. Cannot wait to receive my own first order. My friend swears by Violet Barn!

C F Tisdale Mar 31 2021, 11:10 AM

My first kohleria

I received one of these as a gift from a friend and I just love it. My first experience with Kohlerias. So glad she gifted me this !

Anonymous Feb 26 2021, 21:38 PM


i received this plant today, the packaging was fantastic, the plant is healthy, I can t wait for the plant to grow and blossom, Thank you Violet Barn.

Chris Montagne Oct 28 2020, 20:55 PM

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