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EK Lady Love

(EK Dama Serdtsa)  Semidouble dark reddish-pink star, lighter ruffled edges.  Dark green and white variegated foliage.  Standard.  (Korshunova)


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EK Lady Love

Average Rating 5 out of 5

Exquisite Violet

EK Lady Love was initially one of my slower growing violets, but it took off a few months ago. The flowers are a bit deeper in color for me than the photo here.. a rich, deep fuchsia. They are also pretty large, with a large number of buds to a peduncle, and the contrast with the bright yellow stamens is quite striking. The deep green foliage with a thin variegation on the edge is quite elegant as well. It is one of my favorite AVs.

Chad Cognata Nov 03 2019, 00:30 AM

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