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Average Rating 5 out of 5
Blooms a lot

Cajun’s Sundowner always seems to be in bloom. I bought this one a couple months ago and it has nine blooming flowers and lots of buds. The flowers are a pretty shade of pink.

I have had this plant for some time. The plant continues to bloom with beautiful pink ruffled flowers. The variegation on foliage has wonderful white around the edge of the leaves. Glad to have this in my collection.
Very Pretty:)

I’ve only had this violet a short time and it seems to be a Fast grower and Heavy bloomer with huge pink blooms:)
Very vibrant

I’ve had this violet for over a year now, so pretty!!
Tamara Sanchez

I bought this plant last winter. It has taken awhile to adjust to its new environment, but it now has 2 beautiful pink blooms and several more buds. I think it's outgrowing its 4 inch pot! Love this plant.