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Average Rating 4.3 out of 5
Rob's Forbidden Fruit

I have had this plant a little over a year and it is beautiful once it started blooming the lovely red flowers keep coming A real beauty
Not a violet--my mistake!

I need to look much more closely at photos and descriptions. Both of the streptocarpus I ordered had only 2 leaves but look really healthy. I had intended to order violets!

I received this as my freebie and am very excited. It didn't have any blooms yet but the leaves are very healthy, was very well packed, like usual, And has a small bud. This is a strep I have never had so very excited to see it bloom......I also want to really thank VB for always mentioning if a plant has a "fragrance." I have COPD and have to be very careful about smells so to me that is very important. . This is my fourth order and I am always very pleased. You will be too. Give them a try!
Great color

Great color, compact grower but does not like to dry out, the blooms will often show spotting if they wilt unlike many streps. Free bloomer, should work great if you wick water.