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Average Rating 5 out of 5
A little delight

I bought this one a couple of years ago and it has been quite carefree. It’s a compact grower with bright colorful markings.The color can turn from green to bronzy in brighter light. Mine actually got bleached this summer in a northwest window but I’m sure it will turn around quickly. It’s plenty vigorous. As usual, a great plant from VB.
Lovely and resilient

I am enjoying Deco Checks. In morning sun, there are really more greens than a picture shows. Its a happy begonia. S.L. Mt. Plymouth, FL
Beautiful foliage

This photo is not showing all the colors, there are so much more! Thank you, Violet Barn for growing such beautiful plants,
Deco Checks, photos can’t do it justice!

This begonia is so much fun and so much better looking in person. Very striking. I’m a very happy customer who is now ordering more plants for the third time. Always packed well. Thank you Violet Barn for your great offerings and selection. Please keep them coming. Jeanie Chadwick Mrs. Chadwick’s Funny Farm