Episcia are often referred to as "flame violets" or "chocolate soldier plant", these gesneriads have the family's most beautiful foliage. All episcia grow quickly and easily. Since they readily produce stolons, they can be grown as basket plants as easily as potted plants for the table top or windowsill.
Care of episcia is same as for African violets, though extra warmth and humidity are appreciated, making them very suitable for terrarium culture (though not required). Easily grown under artificial or natural light, most are ready bloomers when stolon growth is controlled. Visit our "plant care" pages to learn more about repotting and grooming episcias.
Photos are representative of how mature plants can appear--we cannot ship them this size!
Plants shipped in 2 1/2" pots.
Note: Episcias are cold sensitive plants--please choose Express shipping in winter!
"Seller's choice" packages on our special offers page.